Hvorfra | Plantenavn | År |
Calypso | Acer - Blodlønn | 2011 |
Calypso | Acer Japonica, rød | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Acer Negundo Kelly’s gold | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Aconitum napellus 'Album' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Anemone 'Königin Charlotte' | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Anemone Multifida | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Anemone 'Pamina' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Anemone tomentosa Robustissima | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Anemone 'Whirlwind' | 2011 |
Sådd | Angelica Gigas | 2011 |
Sådd | Arisaema jacquemontii | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Astrantia major 'Star of Beauty' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Astrantia major 'star of billion' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Astrantia major 'star of fire' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Astrantia major 'Venice' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Athyrium filix-femina 'Lady in Red' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Athyrium niponicum 'Ursula's Red' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Athyrium vidalii | 2011 |
Sådd | Aubretia mix, kun lilla blomster | 2011 |
Calypso | Bregne 1 stor | 2011 |
Calypso | Bregne 2 stor | 2011 |
Calypso | Bregne 3 | 2011 |
Calypso | Bregne 4 | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Bregne, uten navn. Lav, bunndekker | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Brunnera macrophylla 'Green Gold' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Brunnera macrophylla 'Hadspen Cream' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Brunnera macrophylla 'Looking Glass' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Brunnera macrophylla 'Mr. Morse' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Brunnera macrophylla 'Variegata' | 2011 |
Bibbis | Campanula formanekiana | 2011 |
Bibbis | Campanula Pulla "Purple blue" | 2011 |
Sådd | Catananche caerulea, Alba | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Cercis canadensis “Forest pansy” | 2011 |
Bibbis | Chrysanthemum maximum flore plena "Snowdrift" 2 stk. | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Cimicifuga ramosa 'Pink Spike' | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Clematis Mary Claire | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Clematis Shirayukihime | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Clematis viticella, purple | 2011 |
Sådd | Cortusa matthioli | 2011 |
Sådd | Cortusa tirkestanica | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | cyperipedium reginae | 2011 |
Bibbis | Delphinium Black Knight | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Delphinium Darwins pink indulgence | 2011 |
Sådd | Delphinium hyb. Dwarf blue heaven | 2011 |
Sådd | Delphinium hybr. “green twist” | 2011 |
Sådd | Delphinium hybr. New Zealand doubles mix | 2011 |
Sådd | Delphinium hybr. New Zealand Mix | 2011 |
Bibbis | Delphinium Magic fountain alba (3 stk) | 2011 |
Bibbis | Delphinium Magic Fountain blue | 2011 |
Sådd | Dianthus Amurensis, Siberian blues | 2011 |
Sådd | Dianthus deltoides “Arctic fire” | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Dianthus Edinburgh | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Dianthus Freynii | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Dianthus Knappii | 2011 |
Calypso | Dianthus lav | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Dianthus Pavonius | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Dicentra formosa 'Aurora' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Dicentra 'Ivory Hearts' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Dicentra 'Red Fountain' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Dodecatheon jeffreyi | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Dodecatheon meadia | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Dodecatheon meadia 'Aphrodite' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Echinacea 'Elton Knight' | 2011 |
Bibbis | Echinacea Irresistible | 2011 |
Line | Echinacea pallida | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Echinacea purpurea 'Green Jewel' | 2011 |
Bibbis | Echinacea Razzmatazz | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Echinacea 'Sundown' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Echinacea 'Twilight' | 2011 |
Line | Echinacea 'Paradiso Mix' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Epimedium 'Amber Queen' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Epimedium 'Artic Wings' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Epimedium firedragon | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Epimedium pink elf | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Epimedium x 'Pink Champagne' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Epimedium x youngianum 'Niveum' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Epimedium x youngianum 'Roseum | 2011 |
Sådd | Festuca glauca | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Gentiana Luteum - gulsøte | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Gentiana rockelii | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Gentiana scabra Zuki Rindo | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium 'Blue Blood' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium 'Bob's Blunder' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium cinereum 'Alice' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium cinereum 'Carol' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium cinereum 'Lizabeth' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium cinereum 'Purple Pillow' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium 'dragon Heart' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium 'Fay Anna' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium 'Midnight Clouds' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium pratense 'Double Jewel' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium pratense 'Laura' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium pratense 'Midnight Blue' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium 'Sandrine' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium Sanguineum 'Elke' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium sanguineum 'Max Frei' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Geranium 'Starman' | 2011 |
Stephen | Grassløk | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Haquetica Epipactris | 2011 |
Sådd | Helianthemun “Rock rose mix” | 2011 |
Calypso | Helleborus hvit m røde prikker | 2011 |
Calypso | Helleborus rød? | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning01 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning02 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning03 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning04 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning05 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning06 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning07 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning08 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning09 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning10 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning11 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning12 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning13 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning14 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning15 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning16 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning17 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning18 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning19 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning20 | 2011 |
Gartner10 | Hemerocallis - triploid kryssning21 | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hemerocallis Bela Lugosi | 2011 |
Wenche | Hemerocallis burgunder uten navn | 2011 |
Snuffeldyret | Hemerocallis Childrens festival | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Hemerocallis Daring Deception | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Hemerocallis Elegant Candy | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hemerocallis 'Eleonore' | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Hemerocallis Entrapment | 2011 |
Snuffeldyret | Hemerocallis Fire and fog | 2011 |
Snuffeldyret | Hemerocallis Kwanzo variegata | 2011 |
Snuffeldyret | Hemerocallis Laugh and sing | 2011 |
Snuffeldyret | Hemerocallis Lynn Hall | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hemerocallis 'Martina Verhaert' | 2011 |
Snuffeldyret | Hemerocallis Mountain Laurel | 2011 |
Wenche | Hemerocallis mørk aprikos uten navn | 2011 |
Snuffeldyret | Hemerocallis Paper Butterfly | 2011 |
Snuffeldyret | Hemerocallis Pink damask | 2011 |
Wenche | Hemerocallis Revolution | 2011 |
Snuffeldyret | Hemerocallis Rosy Returns | 2011 |
Calypso | Hemerocallis rød "spider" | 2011 |
Wenche | Hemerocallis Sahara Sands | 2011 |
Wenche | Hemerocallis Sammy Russel | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Hemerocallis Strawberry Fields forever | 2011 |
Snuffeldyret | Hemerocallis Summerwine | 2011 |
Calypso | Hemerocallis variegata | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Hemerocallis Veins of truth | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Hemerocallis White temptation | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hemerocallis Wild Horses | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Heuchera 'Caramel' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Heuchera 'Citronelle' | 2011 |
Bibbis | Heuchera Marmelade | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Heuchera 'Mars' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Heuchera 'Mercury' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Heuchera 'Miracle' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Heuchera 'Neptune' | 2011 |
Bibbis | Heuchera Obsidian | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Heuchera Pulchella | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Heuchera 'Saturn' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Heuchera 'Tara' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Heuchera 'Tiramisu' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Heuchera 'Venus' | 2011 |
Gjennestad | Hortensia blå | 2011 |
Calypso | Hosta - hvite blomster og duft | 2011 |
Wenche | Hosta August Moon | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hosta 'Blue Ivory' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hosta 'Dancing in the Rain' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hosta 'Eskimo Pie' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hosta 'Gypsy Queen' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hosta 'Lakeside Lollipop' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hosta 'Lemon Juice' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hosta 'Magic Fire' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hosta 'Northern Exposure' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hosta plantaginea 'Aphrodite' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hosta plantaginea 'Venus' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hosta 'Praying Hands' | 2011 |
Bibbis | Hosta Radiant edger | 2011 |
Wenche | Hosta Regal Splendor | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hosta 'Remember Me' | 2011 |
Bibbis | Hosta Royal Standard | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Hosta 'White Feather' | 2011 |
Wenche | Hosta Wide Brim | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Houttuynia cordata | 2011 |
Bibbis | Iberis semp. Appen-Etz white | 2011 |
Calypso | Iris - ukjent | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Iris ensata "grasieuse" | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Iris ensata 'Goldbound' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Iris ensata 'Jocasta' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Iris ensata 'Katy Mendez' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Iris ensata 'Variegata' | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Iris Germanica High Stakes | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Iris Germanica Lark Ascending | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Iris Germanica Song of Norway | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Iris Germanica Whistle | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Iris pallida Variegata | 2011 |
Sådd | Iris pseudacorus "Variegata" | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Iris sibirica 'Butter and Sugar' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Iris sibirica 'Contrast in Styles' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Iris sibirica 'Dawn Waltz' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Iris sibirica 'Double Standard' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Iris sibirica 'Golden Edge' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Iris sibirica 'Gull's Wing' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Iris sibirica 'Hubbard' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Iris sibirica 'Pleasures of May' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Iris sibirica 'Sparkling Rose' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | iris sibirica 'Welcome return' | 2011 |
Calypso | Jeffersonia Dubia alba | 2011 |
Erantis | Jeffersonia Dubia blå | 2011 |
Calypso | Kalmia Latifolia, rød | 2011 |
Calypso | Laubær | 2011 |
Bibbis | Lewisia i div. farger 5 stk. | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Liatris spica Floristan Violet | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Liatris spica Floristan Weiss | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Lilium Asiat Lollypop | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Lilium Asiat Petit Pink | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Lilium Asiat Pink Pixie | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Lilium Asiat Reinesse | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Lilium Mount Duckling | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Lilium Orien Maru | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Lilium Orien Mona Lisa | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Lilium Orien Muscadet | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Lilium Orien Tom Pouce | 2011 |
Planteriket.no | Lilium Tigri Pink | 2011 |
Bibbis | Lysimachia clethroides 2 stk | 2011 |
Bibbis | Lythrium Salicaria "Rosy gem" | 2011 |
Bibbis | Meconopsis Bet. alba | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Meconopsis Quintuplinerva | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Mukdenia rossii 'Karasuba' | 2011 |
Magnar | Nomocharis | 2011 |
Sådd | Nomocharis pardanthina | 2011 |
Calypso | Paeonia - hvit | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Paeonia 'Buckeye Belle' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Paeonia 'Coral Sunset' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Paeonia 'Julia Rose' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Paeonia 'Kopper Kettle'' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Paeonia Lacti Sarah Bernhardt | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Paeonia Sorbet | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Paeonia Yellow crown | 2011 |
Staudeklubben | Pennisetum setaceum 'Fireworks' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Phlox (Paniculata hybr) 'Blue paradise' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Phlox (Paniculata hybr.) 'Ferris Wheel' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Phlox (Paniculata hybr.) 'Jade' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Phlox (Paniculata hybr.) 'Mystique black' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Phlox (Paniculata hybr.) 'Neon Flare' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Phlox (Paniculata hybr.) 'Sherbet Blend' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Phlox (Paniculata hybr.) 'Tiara' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Phlox Panic. Strawberry Daiquiri | 2011 |
Calypso | Pieris Japonica | 2011 |
Sådd | Polemonium Boreale | 2011 |
Sony | Potentilla nepalensis Miss Willmott | 2011 |
Sådd | Primula “you and me blue” | 2011 |
Bibbis | Primula Quakers bonnet | 2011 |
Sådd | Primula rosa fra staudebeddet | 2011 |
Sony | Primula rosea Gigas | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Pulmonaria longifolia ssp. Cevennensis | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Pulmonaria saccharata 'Silverado' | 2011 |
Sådd | Pulsatilla vulgaris "pink shades" | 2011 |
Calypso | Rhododendron - Azalea | 2011 |
Calypso | Rhododendron - liten lys gul | 2011 |
Calypso | Rhododendron - liten rød | 2011 |
Gjennestad | Rhododendron "ramapo" | 2011 |
Calypso | Rhododendron Scarlet Wonder | 2011 |
Sådd | Robinia hispida v. fertilis | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Rodgersia pinnata 'Chocolate Wing' | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Rose Aspirin | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Rose Astrid Lindgren | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Rose Berleburg | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Rose Brother Cadafel | 2011 |
Gjennestad | Rose Froshin82, 2 stk | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Rose Gertrude Jekyll | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Rose Ghita renaissance | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Rose Glamis Castle | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Rose Heritage | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Rose Lina renaissance | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Rose Nina renaissance | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Rose Penny Lane, 2 stk | 2011 |
Bogrønt Rom | Rose The jubilee rose | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Salvia nemor Blauhugel | 2011 |
Calypso | Sanguinaria canadensis multiplex | 2011 |
Sådd | Scleranthus | 2011 |
Sådd | Sedum “Turkish delight” | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Sedum Lajos /Autumn Charm | 2011 |
Bibbis | Sempervivum | 2011 |
Sådd | Sildalcea candida | 2011 |
Sådd | Sildalcea cultorum "Rosanna" | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Stachys monie Hummelo | 2011 |
Bibbis | Thalictrum Aquilegifolium | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Thalictrum delav Hewitts double | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Thalictrum 'Splendide' | 2011 |
Sådd | Tiarella Cordifolia | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Tradescantia 'Sweet Kate' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Tricyrtis formosana 'Dark Beauty' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Tricyrtis formosana 'Gilt Edge' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Tricyrtis 'Raspberry Mousse' | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Tricyrtis 'yellow sunrise' | 2011 |
Line | Trifolium "Dragons blood" | 2011 |
DarwinPlants | Trollius cultorum 'Cheddar' | 2011 |
Line | Verbascum chaixii 'Album' | 2011 |